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Presenter Jeff Cavins will show you how fourteen of the Bibles. Refer to our chapter Chronological Discrepancies for clarification. Bible Timeline - World History Encyclopedia Bible Timeline c. The Bible Timeline study program takes you on a guided journey through salvation history. All timeline dates prior to 664 BC are based on Rohl’s New Chronology. King James Version (KJV), also called Authorized Version or King James Bible, English translation of the Bible, published in 1611 under the auspices of King James I of England. Timelines range from quick overviews offering the big picture of Bible and church history to large, detailed timelines that fold out up to 32 inches! An amazing resource for Sunday school, church studies, homeschool, and personal learning. Bible History Timeline Ancient History World Events. With thousands of key dates, people, and events, each timeline is uniquely designed and features plenty of photos and illustrations to enhance learning. Rose Deluxe Timelines is the ultimate resource for Bible and Christian history.